
Fallout shelter bugs on xbox one
Fallout shelter bugs on xbox one

fallout shelter bugs on xbox one fallout shelter bugs on xbox one

Bethesda hired Behaviour to develop Fallout Shelter in 2014, which has since surpassed 100 million downloads since its release on mobile. In the document, which is embedded below, Bethesda detailed the agreement set in place for Behaviour’s work-for-hire project, code-named “Underground” - Fallout Shelter. Entertainment, as a result of the game’s development and subsequent launch. Bethesda Softworks has filed the lawsuit to deal with Behaviour’s “breach of contract and misappropriation of trade secrets” and WB’s “inducement to breach of contract, copyright infringement, and unfair competition.” The complaint, which was filed in the southern district of Maryland on June 21, details the grievances between Bethesda and Behaviour, as well as Warner Bros. Entertainment and Behaviour Interactive have been named in a lawsuit over the release of the new Westworld mobile game of the same name.

Fallout shelter bugs on xbox one